Eligible members, who suffer a serious illness or injury which causes an absence from work, may qualify for Short-Term Disability benefits and/or Long-Term Disability benefits. Refer to your Benefits Handbook for benefits included in your plan.
All group benefits and premiums remain in force while a member is on Short-Term Disability (STD), provided that your group benefits plan remains active.
- Premiums for all benefits must be paid during the Short-Term Disability benefit period, so long as the employer has elected to maintain coverage for any disabled members during this period. This decision should be made corporately and must be applied equally to all members.
- During the STD period, the premium cost-sharing arrangement in effect prior to the absence must remain in place. That is, if the member was paying LTD premiums and a portion of Extended Health and Dental Care premiums, then that arrangement continues.
- If the member does not continue to pay their portion of premiums during the disability absence, the member may be considered in breach of their employment agreement. Some employers may assist their members in this regard, by paying the member portion of the premium and obtaining repayment once the member returns to work.
Notify your GroupHEALTH Representative when an member becomes disabled and is no longer actively at work. Should your plan have DMI services, please complete the Employer statement and connect with DMI after the 5th day of absence.