GroupHEALTH should be notified of all disabled members, including those on a medical leave of absence, as soon as possible. GroupHEALTH will move disabled members to a separate class on your monthly billing statement. This allows us to easily identify disabled members and ensure that these members do not receive adjustments to their pre-disability salary, if applicable.
Disability Management Institute (DMI)
Member medical leaves are managed by the Disability Management Institute (DMI) in partnership with your insurer. If a member has been absent from work for five consecutive days as a result of an injury, illness or accident, the Early Intervention Notification Form should be completed and emailed to DMI at
DMI Forms are located on their website:
Note: Refer to your Benefits Handbook to confirm if DMI services is included in your plan.
Short-Term Disability
All members for whom you have completed an early intervention form should be provided with a Short Term Disability Application package. Complete instructions on how to submit the claim are included in this package. For confidentiality and privacy purposes, the member can send these completed forms directly to DMI.
DMI will work with you and your member to ensure that the insurer receives all information necessary to process the claim within the required time periods.
Long Term Disability
If it is determined that the member is going to be off work longer than the LTD elimination period, a Long Term Disability Benefits Application package will be provided to the member by DMI 6-8 weeks prior to end of the elimination period. Complete instructions on how to submit the claim are included in this package. For confidentiality and privacy purposes, the member can send these forms directly to DMI.
DMI will work with the carrier to ensure all documentation is provided in order to continue with the review of the claim from Short Term to Long Term status.