The Emergency Travel Assistance benefit is limited to medical expenses incurred for an emergency sickness or injury that first occurs while a member is vacationing or travelling out-of-province for other than health reasons.
If a member has chosen to waive Extended Health Care benefits, they will not have the Emergency Travel Assistance benefit.
If a member suffers an emergency sickness or injury while out-of-province, the member (or a family member, physician or hospital administrator) must contact the travel assistance service provider within 48 hours of the emergency or admission to hospital.
- Current telephone numbers are shown on the oneCard (provided for each member upon enrollment).
- Within 30 days of the occurrence, the member (or representative) must submit written notice to the Insurer, using the appropriate claim forms (available from GroupHEALTH.)
For assistance or further information regarding an member’s emergency travel claim, please contact your Client Services Representative or Benefits Specialist.
If a employee incurs non-emergency medical expenses (for example, filling a prescription) while outside his or her province of residence, they should complete the standard extended health care claim form and mail it with all original receipts to their claims payor. The claims payor will assess the claim and convert the eligible expense amount to Canadian dollars (if applicable).