October 10 marks World Mental Health Day. The theme for 2024 is “mental health at work” and aims to highlight the impact of mental health on one’s overall well-being and productivity in the workplace.
Did you know? Every week, over 500,000 Canadians are unable to work due to poor mental health.
One way you can contribute to your employees’ mental health is by implementing a proactive mental health action plan to prioritize the well-being and support of your teams. Here’s a quick breakdown of some actionable steps your organization may want to take:
- Assess your workplace environment: Use a survey to gather feedback from your employees on their mental health concerns, work-related stressors, and existing supporting gaps. Also take time to review what existing mental health offerings and tools are available, such as an EAP, wellness services, counselling, etc.
- Create comprehensive mental health policies: Set clear guidelines and protocols to make mental healthcare accessible and acceptable for those seeking help.
- Foster a supportive workplace culture: Creating a culture where mental health discussions are welcomed can make your teams feel supported in seeking help early.
- Train managers & staff: Equip your leaders with knowledge to recognize the signs of mental distress, provide training on how to offer compassionate support, and understand what crisis response tools are available.
With any new process, it’s important to also track and evolve with the needs of your employees. By prioritizing mental health in the workplace, you foster a healthier, more engaged, and productive workforce.
If your plan includes sparrow’s EAP and mental health support:
sparrow’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP/EFAP) and mental health support services gives your employees access to a network of over 5,000 therapists, digital CBT support to cope with anxiety and depression, 24/7 critical incident assistance, and more.
Plus, employers have access to Critical Incident Support, for a fee, to prevent and minimize the risk of PTSD in employees impacted by trauma and critical incidents at work. For more information on sparrow, click here or contact your GroupHEALTH representative.