Extended Health and Dental coverage is mandatory for all members and eligible dependents, unless they have coverage under their spouse’s plan. If a member is eligible for coverage under a spouse’s Extended Health and/or Dental Plan, they may:
Option 1: Waive coverage under this plan for themselves and their dependents; or
Option 2: Co-ordinate benefits with their spouse’s plan and have dual coverage, where allowed under that benefit plan; or
Option 3: Waive coverage under this plan for their dependents only, and keep dual coverage where allowed under that benefit plan for themselves.
If a member chooses to waive coverage under this plan, they must fully complete the “Waiver of Extended Health and/or Dental Coverage” section of the Member Enrollment Card. Once Extended Health or Dental coverage has been waived, the member or dependent(s) cannot enroll under the group plan unless coverage under the spouse’s plan has terminated, or evidence of insurability is submitted.
Out of Country coverage is also waived when Health has been waived.
If the spouse’s plan has terminated, GroupHEALTH must be notified within 31 days of the termination date or they could be deemed a late applicant.